Day 6: Dasher
Day 3 is here with Dasher by Matt Tavares.
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Talk about a beautiful Christmas story. Wow.
This book has become an instant classic and deserves to be on the shelf of every home in the month of December.
When Dasher, a young reindeer has a wish to live under the North Star with snow under her hooves instead of living the circus life, she sets out on an adventure. Little does she know, she will meet a man in a red suit with a sleigh, and begin an adventure of a lifetime.
So where will our elf, Pete make his appearance on this day? On the shining North Star, of course. :)
Throughout this story, Dasher is on an adventure as he follows the North Star. So, Pete had to follow it as well!
So this isn’t exactly how he will be on the morning of Day 6. For one, he can’t be that low as I have two very interested toddlers. Second, he’d probably fall and then we have a new problem and third, let’s get more creative! :)
The plan? To hang him from the top of the window/ceiling or stick him high up in the window, with the “North Star” he created (pictured next to him here) and have it look as though he is reaching/flying toward it.
The plan for Day 6:
Make the star! 3 popsicle sticks (I recently bought 1000 because we use them a lot!), glue, and glitter. Don’t like glitter? Just decorate it however you want. Your kids will be making a star for their activity, so however you decorate your star for your elf, is what your kids will do as well. :)
Have elf “flying” in window toward the North Star you already made.
Read Dasher
Make a “North Star” with your child/ren. Note: Have the stars already assembled. If you have a hot glue gun, you that to just put the popsicle sticks together, let fully dry and then the kiddos can decorate with or without glitter.
Complete free printables below!
Simple coloring page here.
Copy and paste into a word doc or download PNG here.
Here is a word find for your older kiddos!
Copy and paste into a word doc or download PNG here.
I hope your family enjoys Dasher and today’s activities!
Stay tuned for Day 7 with Little Red Sleigh by Erin Guendelsberger (Author), Elizaveta Tretyakova (Illustrator)