
The second feature of November is here with Supermoon! by Sue Lancaster (Author), Tincho Schmidt (Illustrator).

Published by Tielmore Press.

There are lots of superheroes out there, but have you ever met… SUPERMOON!? This is such a fun and engaging read aloud for kids to introduce them to all the amazing things the moon does for our planet Earth! With “super” rhymes, and exciting illustrations, kids will love learning about the moon and all it’s super powers! A great read in any classroom or home!

Supermoon is here to save the day! With a Super Gravity Lasso, Super Shine-Reflector, and Super Shield Strength, Supermoon is there! From guiding the tides to lighting up the night, Supermoon can do it all! What will it do next to protect Earth?!

After reading this story, I hope your kiddos enjoy these FREE printables below.

Have kids reflect on the story and think about all the different ways the moon is super. Choose one (or more) and complete the sentence, then draw a picture.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

Kids can use this worksheet to retell the story by writing words or drawing a picture for characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

Kids can use this word search to find words from the story.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

Here is a fun way kids can create their own supermoon with their own details. They may make it look exactly as in the story, OR get creative and add different details. Encourage them to draw a face, arms, legs, maybe a cape, hat, helmet, goggles, ect. However they picture their own SUPERMOON.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

As with every picture book, I also like to offer a fun hands-on activity as an extension of the book.

Piggy backing off the printable above, I wanted to suggest a fun, hands-on craft. I thought back to elementary science projects and the solar system. So many different options out there, but Styrofoam balls definitely stuck out.

So, let’s have the kiddos make and decorate their own SUPERMOON with a Styrofoam ball!

Think of the possibilities! :)

What you need:

-1 Styrofoam ball per child (or can share and create together as partners or groups) Available at your local craft store or on Amazon.

-Any materials that could be used to create their own “supermoon” such as:

-cloth to make capes, hats, or masks

-googly eyes

-pipe cleaners

-popsicle sticks


-spoons (can dig craters into the moon)



-glue, scissors

The possibilities are really endless! Let the kids get creative!

I hope your kiddos/students enjoy this story, Supermoon, the printables, and hands-on activity!

Please considering purchasing this book using links above or checking it out at your local library. After reading this story, PLEASE leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. :)

Stay tuned for more!

Up next, Elf on the Shelf meets Picture Books, Printables and Play—OH MY!


How To Catch an Elf

