No School, My Rules!

The second feature of August is here with No School, My Rules! by Stephanie Henson (Author), Mai Tran (Illustrator).

School refusal is a common occurrence in many households. Between the pressures of school these days to just plain wanting to sleep in, parents are constantly dealing with children saying, “I don’t want to go to school today!” These are valid feelings, and this book No School, My Rules! validates those feelings through the eyes of a child coping with everything she endures at school.

This story playfully compares a child having to go to school, with other things like sandcastles, sunflowers, and birds that do not have to go to school. It teaches the lesson of the importance of school in a creative way. This book is for all parents needing help opening up the conversation with their own kiddos that refuse to go to school.

After reading this story, I hope your kiddos enjoy these FREE printables below.

Have children reflect on the order of events by cutting and pasting the pictures in the correct order.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

Have children search for words from the story in this word find.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

Throughout the story, this child compares her having to go to school with things around her that do NOT have to go to school. Have your child/ren think of something that does NOT have to go to school and write it on the line then draw a picture.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

As with every picture book, I also want to offer a fun hands-on activity as an extension of the book.

For No School, My Rules! I chose a craft that would allow children to use it again and again as needed. Before starting this craft, I suggest sitting down with your child and asking them the big WHY? Why don’t you want to go to school? Then ask them what parts of school bring them joy? Make a list of both of their answers to these questions.

Once you have a complete list, tell the child we are going to make a paper fortune teller. This fortune teller is to suggest wonderful things that COULD happen for your child while they are at school. Each morning they can use the fortune teller, and see a possibility of something good that could happen. See below for examples of what to put inside as fortunes.

Here is a video to watch how to make a paper fortune teller: How to make a paper fortune teller.

Here are some easy to follow instructions as well.

Most people put colors or numbers on the outside flaps. On the inside is where you and your child can write the good fortunes. Going back to the list of what brings your child joy at school, use those to think of positive things that could happen while at school! For example:

-Make a new friend

-A peer may compliment me

-Answer a question correctly

-Do well on a test

-Have fun at recess

-Be the leader

-Help a friend

-Make someone smile

Each morning before school, have your child use their fortune teller and see what GOOD things COULD happen for them that day. After school, discuss with them: Did the fortune come true? Why or why not? What do you hope for tomorrow? Continue this process as needed. Read the story, No School, My Rules!, complete the worksheets, and use this craft.

I hope it helps! Have a wonderful school year!

While looking for resources on school refusal, I came across this article School Refusal: What To Do When A Child Won’t Go To School. I hope you find this helpful in working through your own child/rens’ school refusal.

I hope your kiddos/students enjoy this story, No School, My Rules!, the printables and hands-on activity!

Please considering purchasing this book using links above or checking it out at your local library. After reading this story, PLEASE leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. :)

Stay tuned for more Picture Books, Printables and Play!—OH MY!


The Book of Rules


We Don’t Eat Our Classmates