Kathi Q. Builds a Time Machine

This month’s feature for Picture Books, Printables, and Play—OH MY! is Kathi Q. Builds a Time Machine by Jo-Ann Scranton (Author) and Gabi Moraes (Illustrator), and published by Tielmour Press.

Kathi loves to make different machines, and she has a brilliant idea to build a TIME MACHINE! When things turn UPSIDE DOWN (literally), Kathi thinks it's quite fun for awhile! But as the day goes on, things get a little bit more ridiculous. Desks need to be strapped down at school, people are walking around with suction cups on their feet, and Kathi’s favorite meal ends up on the ceiling! Kathi knows she has to undo this mess—if she can!

This story is clever, fun, and inventive with STEM-filled themes. Kathi is a memorable character, kids will enjoy and cheer for!

After reading this story, I hope your kiddos enjoy these FREE printables below.

The first printable is a word find highlighting some of the vocabulary used in this book.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

Have children reflect on the story with this Story Retell!

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

Children can imagine what machine they would like to build, draw a picture, and complete the sentence.

Copy and paste into a word document or download the printable here.

After reading this story and completing the worksheets, enjoy a fun hands-on extension activity!

Kathie Q loves to build so let’s get your littles building! This can easily be done with household supplies you most likely already have!

Select various materials, place them in front of your child/ren and tell them they can build any machine they want (with adult supervision).

A few options for inspiration:

-Empty boxes of various sizes

-Empty milk/juice cartons

-Old/broken toys (that can’t cause injuries)

-Rubber bands


-Bottle Caps

-Egg cartons

-Cereal boxes


-Cardboard tubes (paper towels, TP)

-Various art supplies: colored paper, pipe cleaners, string, pom poms, popsicle sticks, scissors, glue, and tape!

As you can see, the ideas are endless. Read the story, complete the printables, and then have your kiddos creativity be explored by offering all kinds of supplies.

Ask the questions: What are you building? What materials will you need? Will the machine “work” on its own? What will it do? Can you build a time machine? What would you need to build a time machine? If you had a time machine, what time in history would you go back to?

Please considering purchasing this book, Kathie Q. Builds a Time Machine or checking it out at your local library. After reading this story, PLEASE leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. :)

Stay tuned for more Picture Books, Printables and Play!—OH MY!


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